Solving Special Problems

Solving Special Comfort Problems

Additional Return 空气 Runs

Solve many system airflow problems

缺乏回风是一个非常普遍的问题,对于那些系统,要么是设计不良或最初计划仅供热应用. 为您的系统增加额外的回流,可以为您的家庭提供更多的供气, resulting in better airflow and comfort for your family. 解决这个问题的好处包括:更安静的操作, better airflow, fewer repairs, longer life of your equipment, lower utility bills and, best of all, greater comfort.

Attic Ventilator

Take a load off your air conditioner

Have you ever been in your attic in the middle of the summer? 很热! That's why you need an attic ventilator. 帮助你的十大网络彩票平台大全为你的房子降温,降低你的水电费, 阁楼通风机排出阁楼的热空气,并从外面引入冷空气. 这种空气循环大大减少了你家里的热负荷,让你的十大网络彩票平台大全更有效地工作,更快地冷却你的家. 在你的家里安装一个阁楼通风机会节省你的钱,让你更舒适.


Keep the 叶子 out of your outdoor unit

Protect your air conditioner year round with a 库尔角. Day in and day out, your air conditioner’s condensing unit is subjected to the sun, 雨, 雪, 冰, 叶子, 污垢, sticks and other debris. 这些碎片聚集在冷凝装置的底部,锁住水、雪和冰. 所有这些被困住的水分会导致你的系统过早生锈和腐蚀,损坏你的系统. By keeping your condensing unit clean, 它将以最高效率运行,节省你的水电费. Once a 库尔角 is installed, you never have to fuss with it. 库尔角一整年都在你的冷凝器上,所以把它打开,让它工作,忘记它.

Ceiling Saver Kit

Protect your home from unexpected "flash floods"

More than cooling the air, 十大网络彩票平台大全的主要功能是为空气除湿,创造一个舒适的环境. The water released from the dehumidified air is then d雨ed away. 如果你的十大网络彩票平台大全系统位于你的阁楼,这可能会造成严重的问题. If your d雨 ever clogs, 冷凝水会从十大网络彩票平台大全溢出,流到天花板上. 如果你的天花板是大教堂的天花板,修理或更换天花板可能要花费数百甚至数千美元. For this reason, we offer a ceiling saver kit.

天花板保护套件捕获任何潜在的泄漏,在一个定制制造的锅,有一个单独的排水管道,以保护您的天花板免受泄漏. What if the back-up d雨 gets clogged? We've got it covered. 我们还安装了一个安全开关作为我们的天花板节能器套件的一部分,它将自动关闭您的十大网络彩票平台大全,消除任何更多冷凝水发生的可能性. At this point, 你会意识到你的十大网络彩票平台大全系统坏了,打电话给我们来解决问题,而不会漏一滴水到你的天花板上.

Condensate Pump

Remove the nuisance of ugly hoses or pipes running across the floor

冷凝物或废水是高效炉的副产品, air conditioning evaporator coils, and flow- through humidifiers. 使用冷凝水泵将这些废水转移到合适的排水口.

Hard Start Kit

Extend the Life of Your Compressor

A hard start kit is designed to assist your compressor on start-up. 如果你的内部十大网络彩票平台大全盘管距离你的外部冷凝装置超过50英尺, 您可能需要一个硬启动套件,以协助您的压缩机,当它打开. 你看,你的十大网络彩票平台大全就像一个泵,在你的系统中循环制冷剂. 泵工作得越辛苦,效率就越低,也就越有可能发生故障. A hard start kit helps your air conditioner when it needs help most, when it first starts up and has to begin the pumping process. 硬启动套件的增加将延长您的压缩机的寿命, which could save you from the high cost of a repair or replacement.

Protective Remote Monitoring Dev冰s

监控 & protects your home when you aren't there

Let technology make your life easier. 今天,我们的系统可以一年365天每天24小时监控您的供暖和十大网络彩票平台大全系统. 这些系统非常适合度假屋或经常旅行的人.

Surge Suppressors and Lightning Arrestors

Safeguard your equipment

With electrical power at a premium during the sticky summer months, utility companies often lower their output of power. This is normally called a brown out. 停电或断电会对你的电器造成无法弥补的损害, especially your air conditioner. All appliances are designed to work with a certain amount of power. If that power level is dropped, your appliances will continue to function, but they will be forced to work under duress.

雷击可能会损坏或摧毁家中所有的电器. With a lightning arrestor installed in your breaker box, 你可以保护你所有的电器,包括你的十大网络彩票平台大全, 电脑, refrigerator, 微波, dishwasher, 立体声和电视与一个专用避雷器绑在你家的电气面板. This simple, 如果你的家被闪电击中,这种便宜的装置可以为你节省数千美元.

Time Delay Relay


By stopping your unit from going on and off (short-cycling) so much, a time delay relay keeps it from wearing out prematurely. 对于有喜欢玩恒温器的孩子的家庭来说,时间延迟继电器也是完美的配件. 不管你多久换一次冷热开关或风扇开关, you can't burn out your compressor. 这是因为时间延迟继电器在最后一次恒温器调整后的3-5分钟内不会打开系统.

Easy-to-See Thermostats

Make Temperature Reading More Accessible for All

容易看到的恒温器是恒温器中最好的主意,很少有人知道它们! They work the same as a standard thermostat and are as easy to use. 一个容易看到的恒温器有非常大的上升数字,视力受损的人可以很容易地阅读. 当你转动刻度盘调节温度时,每个度数处都会发出滴答声. 一个可选的大清晰表盘盖,以帮助那些谁是阻碍与关节炎.

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